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We present to you a cover of Grateful by Good Shepherd Services and friends!

Throughout the COVID-19 MCO, GSS was actively responding to the needs of vulnerable communities through the distribution of food supplies and personal hygiene kits to children, youths and communities in need in Kota Kinabalu, Tambunan and Ipoh. The distribution was made possible with the support of our generous donors. This 'Grateful' video presents our gratitude and amazing mission journey.

"Gratitude is the memory of the heart"
St Mary Euphrasia

Social Experiment on Sexual Gender-based Violence

The Voice Out 8 team conducted a social experiment in Tambunan to assess how the public would respond upon witnessing sexual gender-based violence. Please view the video to watch the outcome of this eye-opening experiment.

Komuniti Van Sekolah

"Komuniti Van Sekolah" enables children from poor and vulnerable communities to access their right to an education and to attend schools on a regular basis. 

We thank Astro Awani journalist Tan Su Lin and cameraman Sujenthiran for the coverage.

Behind Closed Doors

GSS proudly launched a public service announcement video, "Behind Closed Doors", in conjunction with the 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women and children from 25 November to 10 December. Join us in the global action to ORANGE THE WORLD and say NO to violence against women and children by watching and sharing our video. Help us to spread the message and break the silence on violence which happens "Behind Closed Doors".

Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors (Malay)

Behind Closed Doors (Chinese)

Behind Closed Doors (Tamil)

Good Shepherd Services Campaigns for Non-Violence Against Children 

As part of the 2016 Orange The World campaign, GSS held talks, workshops and activities in schools, universities, and churches to highlight and educate the public on what is child abuse, how to recognise the symptoms, and steps to take in order to protect our children.

Campaigns for Non-Violence Against Children in 2016

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