21 July 2023 - This month marks the 6-month milestone since the commencement of the Pilot Project aimed at strengthening resilience among rural women through leadership and livelihood initiatives. Throughout the project duration, participants were given the valuable opportunity to formulate and present their business proposals for their respective livelihood initiatives to the Project Advisory Council. This council comprises government agency representatives and is chaired by the Tongod Assistant District Officer.
After selecting the livelihood initiatives, two out of the eight villages opted for oyster mushroom cultivation as their income-generating project. They are confident that their skills combined with the high demand for oyster mushrooms will make this initiative profitable.
Despite the challenges encountered during this 6-month period, the women showcased remarkable persistence and a commendable ability to learn from their experiences.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Pusat Belia YouthPREP melalui projek Mind Matters 2.0 telah mengadakan program pembangunan kapasiti siri kedua & ketiga bertempat di Dewan Mini Pusat Belia YouthPREP pada 31 Mac & 19 April 2023. Para kakitangan di institusi pengajian yang telah mendaftarkan diri mereka sebagai ahli Mental Health Advocates (MHA) di bawah projek Mind Matters 2.0 telah menjalani program ini dan mempelajari tentang 'Psychological First Aid' dan 'Mindfulness' yang disampaikan oleh Cik Angela Julip, seorang pegawai psikologi dan Prof. Dr. Helen Lasimbang, seorang pengarah di Hospital UMS.
Melalui program ini, ahli-ahli MHA telah mempelajari teknik PFA yang boleh digunakan untuk memberi sokongan emosi kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan. Selain itu, ahli-ahli MHA juga tahu cara mengaplikasikan teknik mindfulness yang boleh membantu mereka untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan diri mereka.
Terima kasih kepada Cik Angela dan Prof. Dr. Helen atas sumbangan dan penglibatan dalam program ini yang telah memperkasakan ahli MHA dalam menjadi suara kepada advokasi kesihatan mental.
#mentalhealthadvocates #psychologicalfirstaid #mindfulness #mindmatters
Pusat Belia YouthPREP melalui projek Mind Matters 2.0 telah mengadakan program temubual radio dengan kerjasama Kupi-Kupi FM pada 18 April 2023. Program temubual ini membincangkan tentang topik "Kesihatan Mental Belia: Kongsi atau Pendam?"
Dua tetamu jemputan dari UNITAR Sabah, iaitu Puan Jumrah yang merupakan seorang kaunselor, serta wakil belia dan juga pelajar ijazah sarjana muda pendidikan, Cik Nur Ain Syafiqah, telah berkongsi pendapat mereka tentang topik tersebut. Daripada perkongsian mereka, pendengar radio dapat menimba pengetahuan tentang jenis-jenis personaliti seperti introvert, ambivert & ekstrovert dan bagaimanakah individu-individu dengan personaliti yang berbeza ini menggunakan mekanisme kendalian (coping mechanism) untuk mereka menghadapi cabaran dalam aspek kesihatan minda.
Terima kasih kepada wakil UNITAR Sabah kerana sudi berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman yang dapat meningkatkan kesedaran dalam kalangan masyarakat kita berkenaan kepentingan menjaga kesihatan minda.
#mindmattersyoumatter #kesihatanminda #kesihtanmentalbelia
Established in early 2019 by Good Shepherd Services, the Community Service Centre (CSC) in Ipoh has shown unwavering commitment to serving the local community, with a particular focus on supporting women and children.
Through collaborations with nearby schools in Buntong and Menglembu, the CSC has ensured that students in the area receive the necessary assistance to improve in their studies. Despite unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the CSC has not only sustained but also expanded its learning support services to both Primary and Secondary school students.
Currently, four passionate volunteers conduct tuition classes for 23 secondary and 12 primary students, which have played a crucial role in bridging the learning gap in subjects such as Mathematics, English, Bahasa Melayu, and History.
Looking ahead, the CSC will continue to render support to individuals and families in the surrounding community through various ways, in line with GSS mission of Empowering Lives, Restoring Rights, and Upholding Dignity.
The 2023/24 academic year saw an intake of 22 residents for Asrama Komuniti Tulid (AKT) in Keningau.
A welcome and induction program was held on 1st & 2nd of April 2023 themed "Understanding & Creating Safe Community Living". The residents who come from different villages and family background share a common goal of pursuing their secondary education in a safe environment. The induction programme provided them the opportunity to get to know each other better and bond as a community of students.
AKT provides a safe space for girls to realize their full potential through education and life skills experiences.
On 20th of March 2023, 32 women from Mukim Entilibon and Mukim Penangah were involved in business proposal presentation for Projek Perintis Wanita Tongod.
This event took place in Tongod District Office with panelists from Good Shepherd Services, Tongod District Office, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Agriculture and UPPM. Four out of eight livelihood initiatives business proposals presented were selected to be implemented in their respective villages under Projek Perintis Wanita Tongod.
Congratulations to all women and PAC members for their contribution and participation in making this session an enriching and insightful experience for all.
Pusat Belia YouthPREP (YPC) telah mengadakan program BAH Makan pada 24hb Mac 2023 bertempat di YPC. Program BAH Makan ini membawakan topik kebolehpasaran kerja belia yang membincangkan tentang persediaan yang belia harus tahu dan lengkapkan sebelum memasuki alam pekerjaan kelak.
Terima kasih kepada pihak dari PERKESO, Encik Joel Arthur dan Encik Joewell David kerana sudi berkongsi maklumat yang berguna untuk memastikan para belia mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sah dan selamat.
#BAHMakan #kebolehpasarankerjabelia
Pusat Belia YouthPREP melalui projek Mind Matters 2.0 telah mengadakan program temubual radio dengan kerjasama Kupi-Kupi FM pada 21hb Mac 2023. Program temubual ini membincangkan tentang topik "Belia Resah: Adakah kamu peduli?"
Dua tetamu jemputan daripada Kolej Cyberjaya KK iaitu Encik Hamizan Safwan yang merupakan seorang kaunselor dan wakil belia dan juga pelajar diploma psikologi, Cik Cesly Mitter telah memberikan perkongsian mengenai topik tersebut. Isu keresahan ini sering dialami oleh belia dan keluarga masa kini tetapi dipandang remeh oleh segelintir masyarakat walhal kesannya kepada minda adalah memudaratkan.
Terima kasih kepada wakil Kolej Cyberjaya kerana sudi berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman yang dapat meningkatkan kesedaran dalam kalangan masyarakat kita tentang isu keresahan.
#mindmattersyoumatter #kesihatanminda #beliaresah
On 13 March 2023, Ratau Campsite in Kiulu played host to the celebration of International Women's Day, which was jointly organized by Women in Small Enterprise (WISE) and the Academic Support Group in three villages, namely Ratau, Talantang, and Lokub.
The festivities included exciting activities such as traditional sports, tug of war, zumba, and lucky draw. During the opening speech by Dr. Janie Liew, the theme for this year's IWD, which was #EmbraceEquity DigitALL: Innovation and technology for Gender Equality, was highlighted.
This theme emphasizes the significance of technology and its impact on our economy, culture, and society. It also recognizes and applauds women and girls who are leading the way in the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.
March 2023 marks our third year since we started this initiative in March 2021 with the goal to enable more children to access and complete their education safely through financial assistance via sponsorship from individuals and corporate.
To find out more about the activities conducted throughout 2022 check our Good Shepherd Education Fund 2022 Impact Report.
For more info or inquiries you can send them to edfund@goodshepherd.my .
The YouthPREP Youth Center organized an online Youth & Entrepreneurship program on 25 February 2023, for college and university students as part of the Mind Matters 2.0 project.
Mrs. Nina Othman, a successful social entrepreneur and former Vice President of the Malaysian Social Entrepreneurs Development Council, presented on the topic of storytelling in marketing which aimed to improve students' understanding of how storytelling can add value to a business.
Thank you Mrs. Nina for sharing your knowledge with us!
Read more: Youth Entrepreneurship Series 3
What is the best way to celebrate International Women's Day?
While there are various ways to celebrate, it's worth noting that this year, the women from Everything Tambunan is taking it to another level by participating in the Invest Malaysia: Reshaping Malaysia Narrative jointly organised by Bursa Malaysia and Maybank here in Kuala Lumpur with the focus on strengthening resilience and sustaining growth.
During the event, our Prime Minister, YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, delivered a keynote address in which he emphasized the need for renewed confidence and a firm commitment to changing the way we conduct our affairs, particularly with regards to transparency, democracy, accountability, and good governance. This rings true and coincides with this year’s IWD theme on embracing equality.
Our Tambunan representatives were thrilled to be able to celebrate and given the opportunity to share GSS' IWD sticker to Prime Minister. What a momentous day! Together, we contribute towards the realisation of Malaysia Madani.
Read more: Tambunan in Invest Malaysia
In conjustion with International Women's Day, we at Good Shepherd Services honour the women who have always been the core feature of our organisation. We invite everyone to join us in recognising and celebrating the achievements of women, standing up for women's rights, and advocating for positive change towards gender equality.
As we navigate the digital age, we also call for a focus on women equal participation in society, especially in the digital economy to bridge gender gaps and advance women empowerment.
Let's embrace equity together and continue the fight for a more just and equitable world.
Happy International Women's Day!
IWD 2023 : https://youtu.be/ZbqQwTY98n0
Good Shepherd Education Fund (GSEF) was established in 2021 and is one of Good Shepherd Services' initiatives to address the prevailing challenges faced by children from rural and vulnerable communities in accessing their right to education. GSEF is a Sponsor A Child For Education program that focuses on children aged 7 to 17 years.
This program aims to provide continuous support for children who are less able to attend school well and complete their education successfully.
Through this Sponsor A Child For Education program, GSEF have reached out to over 300 students in Sabah & Ipoh.
We are also able to empower the community to improve the safety and protection of children through activities carried out during home and school visits that are conducted quarterly.
Our hope with the establishment of GSEF is that it can empower children, their families and communities to break the cycle of poverty by giving priority to education to build a better future in their lives.
If you would like to know more about GSEF and GSS reach out to us at info@goodshepherd.my
Kelab The Smile Squad, Kolej Komuniti Kota Marudu dengan kerjasama Pusat Belia YouthPREP melalui projek Mind Matters 2.0 yang disokong oleh @yayasan_hasanah, telah mengadakan program Talent Show: The Voice Within pada 24 Februari 2023, bertempat di Dewan Kuliah Kolej Komuniti Kota Marudu.
Dalam program ini, melalui sesi The Voice Within yang disampaikan oleh Puan Ernna Mopilin, penceramah jemputan dari Pejabat Daerah Kesihatan Kota Marudu, pelajar telah mempelajari cara menguruskan emosi menggunakan Teknik R.U.L.E.R, iaitu: Recognising, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, Regulating. Selain itu, pelajar juga berpeluang mengekspresikan emosi mereka melalui pertandingan bakat yang turut memupuk kesejahteraan minda mereka.
Penyerahan sumbangan program bantuan makanan juga telah diberikan kepada pelajar untuk membantu meringankan beban kewangan mereka. Ribuan terima kasih kepada penganjur yang terlibat dan Puan Ernna Mopilin untuk sesi The Voice Within yang bermanfaat.
#MindMattersYouMatter #TheVoiceWithin #MindMatters #SDGGoal3 #SDGGoal17 #kolejkomunitikotamarudu
Read more: Talent Show: The Voice Within
On 14 February 2023, the Students in MIND – Amplifying Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools in Kinta Utara, Ipoh (MIND Project) was launched at SMK Seri Puteri, the fourth participating school under Phase 1 of this project.
The MIND Project is a mental health initiative by Good Shepherd Services (GSS) and supported by Yayasan Hasanah , intends to promote mental health literacy in schools. The launch was officiated by SMK Seri Puteri headmistress, Puan Zakiah Ariffin and Miss Chin Poh Choo, Executive Director of GSS.
In addition, a capacity building workshop (CBW) on mental health was held on 15 and 16 February 2023 in SMK Pusing, facilitated by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak's counsellors, Puan Shakila Binti Ibrahim and Puan Anisah Zainab. The workshop was attended by student leaders of SMK Pusing, including the Peers Guidance Club, school prefects, librarian and others. Workshop participants were taught the mental health first aid method, called K.A.S.I.H., which they can use to share with and help others.
K.A.S.I.H stand for:
K - Kasih sayang ditunjukkan
A - Aktif mendengarkan
S - keSelamatan dipastikan
I - Informasi yang berguna diberikan
H - Hantar/ rujuk kepada pakar
This workshop is part of the MIND Project's programs with schools, aimed at equipping students with leadership and mentoring skills to promote and support peer mentoring as a good practice in school, and to increase their capacity in leadership programs for mental health advocacy and support skills.
Mental Health Advocates (MHA) for the Mind Matters 2.0 project received training on Excellent Communication Skills using the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Communication Model from Dr. Joan Wang Yee Juan, an experienced therapist in the field of NLP.
Thank you, Dr. Joan for the knowledge!
Read more:Â Mental Health Advocates
Mind Matters 2.0 project 2nd series of Youth & Entrepreneurship capacity development program online on the topic of Business Model Canvas (ð˜‰ð˜”ð˜Š) presented by Mr. Azizul Julirn, a successful entrepreneur.
Thank you for the knowledge and experience sharing, Mr. Azizul Julirn!
Read more:Â Youth Entrepreneurship Series 2
Since 2016, Asrama Komuniti Tulid (AKT) has been providing accommodation for girls aged 13 - 17 years old to access secondary education. Located in sub-district of Sook in Keningau, AKT serves as the only residential alternative to SMK Tulid limited hostel capacity. AKT benefits secondary girls from villages located between 15-35 km away from the nearest school which is SMK Tulid.
The hostel enable girls, who are otherwise vulnerable to child marriages, to access and complete their secondary education successfully.
AKT accommodates 20 residents and provides a community living that thrives on well-being and care. The holistic program at the hostel include academic support, character and values formation, counselling, leadership and skills building.
We believe that child marriage and the lack of access to education are both inter-related and underpins gender inequality. Hence there is an urgent need to ensure that while every child has the right to education, access to realise this is equally necessary.
We are thrilled to take on a new community development initiative in Tongod, the biggest district in Sabah. The crucial first step forward was the establishment of the Project Advisory Council (PAC) membered by 4 government agencies namely the Tongod District Office, Department of Agriculture, Department of Social Welfare and Unit Pembangunan Pemimpin Masyarakat (UPPM) as well as 2 women representatives from Mukim Penangah. PAC plays an important role to support and encourage women participation in entrepreneurship for this pilot project.
The project which is supported by Yayasan DayaDiri is aimed at strengthening rural women’s resilience through leadership empowerment and entrepreneurship towards sustainable socio-economics in the Tongod District.
“It is vital for women to work together to overcome issues such as financial freedom and oppression. Women should stand up and empower others to be more independent and confident. Don’t just stand at the back. Show your talents and shine." - Rose Petrus Payak, Kampung Lubong, Tambunan.
Read full article:Â Sabah social enterprise supports the livelihood of indigenous women farmers
The residence of Asrama Desa Pukak (ADP), Kiulu #riseinsolidarity in support of the One Billion Rising campaign to end violence against women. Young girls aged between 13-17 expressed themselves through art and the solidarity dance to call on their peers to RISE FOR FREEDOM. Freedom from poverty, oppression and violence. ADP, established since the year 2008 provides hostel services to enable school children from rural indigenous communities in Kiulu to access education.
In ADP, they are provided with academic support and activities that contribute towards character building. More importantly, they are able to attend school regularly, have a fair chance of cultivating an interest in learning and aspire towards a better future for themselves as well as their families.
Students in MIND – Amplifying Mental Health & Wellbeing in Schools in Kinta Utara, Ipoh (MIND Project) by Good Shepherd Services was launched on 7th-10th February 2023 in three out of four participating schools in Kinta Utara, Ipoh: SMK Convent, SMK Pusing and SMK Sungai Pari.
MIND Project is supported by Yayasan Hasanah and aims to build mental health support systems, promote awareness of mental health, and create safe and inclusive learning environments which will aid resilience-building within school communities. The goal of promoting mental health literacy as a core aspect of education through a whole-school approach through this project is to give students the confidence to seek help and develop strategies to maintain good mental wellbeing.
Phase 1 of MIND Project runs from October 2022 to September 2023, with Phase 2 scheduled to begin in October 2023 with the inclusion of four new schools. We look forward to seeing the culture of good mental health and wellbeing spread to all schools in Kinta Utara.
Our hope is that individuals, families, and communities will become more receptive to conversations surrounding mental health and wellbeing through this initiative.
Have you ever heard about Reusable Sanitary Pads?
We are delighted to be able to distribute reusable cloth sanitary pads to 1000 girls aged between 11-17 years old from 5 schools in Keningau, Sook, Tulid, Nabawan and Pensiangan. This initiative kick-started last year in November and aimed at improving menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls and combatting period poverty by promoting environmentally friendly solution. Good Shepherd Services mobilised a group of 15 women in Sook who are also WISE members to make safe, washable and reusable sanitary pads, for school girls to have access to safe menstrual protection, can help protect the environment, and can create a small income for themselves and their families.
Our grateful thanks to Sentral REIT Management Sdn. Bhd. for the continuous support which has enabled us to mobilize the rural communities to work towards enriching and improving the quality of their life.
It's time to talk.Period!
Wiki Impact 100!
Visit https://www.wikiimpact.com/impact100/ for more info
A program to involve children in celebrating Independence Day, with the aim of helping them understand and value the meaning of our country’s independence.
Partnership with Kechara began in January 2021 for food distribution during the MCO. This one-off event was part of their “Be The Light†project to supply household items to families under their distribution scheme.
We have successfully formed partnerships with two local radio stations; Sabah Vfm and Kupi Kupi FM. Promoting youth mental health through community broadcasting is aimed at creating awareness among parents and families about mental health and wellbeing as well as the challenges young people face. First things first, is to educate oneself and others by understanding what mental health is all about: causes, common mental health disorders, recognising early signs, coping mechanisms, self-care and available interventions that are still not well understood or recognised among indigenous communities in Sabah.
A new eco-tourism project was initiated by Good Shepherd Services involving youths from 3 village communities in Sabah. These projects will bring in potential income as well as preservation and care for the natural environment. It is part of the Good Shepherd Services entrepreneurship initiative under their Community Adoption Programme.
Read full article:Â https://www.goodshepherd-asiapacific.org.au/project/507
Towards the realization of the Pelan Tindakan Daerah Tambunan in order to achieve 30% of women involvement in leadership roles.
Read for full article:Â https://www.utusanborneo.com.my/2022/04/27/wanita-tambunan-sedia-galas-tanggungjawab-sebagai-pemimpin
The first Public Service Announcement message (PSA) on “Why should we care about Mental Health†in an effort to help raise awareness to a wider audience. The message was presented by Amy Dangin, a media personality and mental health advocate herself.
1st PSA "Why should we care about Mental Health"
2nd PSA "Our Planet, Our Health"
3rd PSA "Communication in Family"
Gender Sensitization in conjunction with International Women’ Day conducted virtually via FB Live with the theme #BreakTheBias #HapuskanBias foster a sensitive environment for gender sensitisation and womens’ leadership as well as to collaborate with relevant agencies.
This initiative started in March 2021 with the goal to enable more children to access and complete their education safely through financial assistance via sponsorship from individuals and corporate. For more info or inquiries you can send them to edfund@goodshepherd.my Â
In conjunction with the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December, Good Shepherd Services (GSS) has once again organised the Orange the World (OTW) campaign.
For this year's celebration, we were joined by Dezryn Angeline Nestor, our 17-year-old Girl Child Advocate from Tambunan. She feels strongly about empowering her peers to recognise and stand up against violence. 10th December is Human Rights Day, we would like to highlight Dezryn's story in hopes that it would inspire youths and adults alike to break the cycle of violence.Â
Read full article: Tambunan teenager bravely speaks out against violence in her community
The Good Shepherd Services (GSS) is launching a coffee table book entitled “Not My Mother’s Path†in conjunction with International Women’s Day (IWD) on Monday. It represents the collective strength of Tambunan’s daughters, mainly farmers, wives and mothers in voicing social concerns such as abuse and domestic violence and striving for economic empowerment.GSS Executive Director Chin Poh Choo said 200 copies of the 44-page book published by GSS have been printed initially.
Read full article Celebrating life of Tambunan Women
Food security is an increasing concern among tertiary students in Kota Kinabalu during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. A report released by the Youth-PREP Centre (YPC) today revealed that 62% of the 110 students surveyed in a research about “Urban Poverty Among Youth in Kota Kinabalu'' have had to reduce their daily food intake in order to financially sustain themselves during this pandemic. The research, which aims to provide a baseline understanding of how youths may experience urban poverty, was participated by students in their third or final year of tertiary education at a private or public institution. Notably, the survey was centered on capturing the perspectives of youth in relation to urban poverty based on the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) model. The three main dimensions of poverty that were investigated in this study were ‘Power’, ‘Money’ and ‘Access’. YPC calls upon the Government, private sectors, academic institutions and civil societies to uphold their collective responsibility of formulating a comprehensive strategy to address urban poverty.
Read full article  Students tighten belt to survive pandemic
Youth-PREP Centre Encourages Youth to Pursue Digital Wellness during the Pandemic
As a final year student that is currently interning in Public Relations, I am counted as blessed to have this opportunity to work together with Youth-PREP Centre (YPC) during this pandemic especially when many have lost their jobs. Ever since the start of the pandemic, just about everything we do now is mostly online. In which, it can be mentally straining at times. Communication and guidance from my colleagues as well as having self-discipline became the key in shaping my experience working from home. This internship is rewarding because it gives me more understanding on how to apply my Public Relations skills in the community.Â
YPC recently hosted a Digital Wellness forum online, whereby Dr Shamsul Bahari Shamsudin from Universiti Malaysia Sabah, shared on how we should use technology only based on our needs. As this would help us find the balance in our digital usage. Also, it improves the quality of our day to day lifestyle as well as relationships. Hence, it is important to have a clear understanding of our intention when using technology.
Firstly, I believe that cultivating healthy habits is important as it leads to having a positive mindset. As a student, I would recommend that we can be more active in doing simple things like helping family prepare breakfast, do some stretches in the morning and also saying a prayer/giving thanks before starting the day. From my experience, this motivates me to be more productive as well as improving on my mental focus.
Moreso, I find it important to limit the usage of social media by taking breaks or temporarily deleting them to find a timeout on using them. Although social media can be addicting, I am able to connect better with my family when I choose to put away my device and actually spend time with them. Moreover, putting away our phone an hour before bed can actually help us improve on our sleeping habits and it prevents us from overthinking. Let us not forget that cultivating healthy habits does take determination.
As news can’t be avoided, I would encourage one to be alert when reading news to evaluate its accuracy and validity. This helps to create a safe place on and offline not only for ourselves but for others as well. In a way, we can’t let the media control us but we should be the ones controlling it.
YPC, a Centre operated by Good Shepherd Services, initiated an emotional-support careline that provides a platform for youth to speak and acknowledge their personal mental health and well-being. If you are seeking emotional support, please give Kawan BAH a call at 012-7753020.Â
- END -
Written by:
Ashley WongÂ
Public Relations Intern
Youth-PREP Centre
 Youths who feel anxious and sad can now connect with the YouthPREP Centre (YPC) Alamesra through its “Kawan Bah†care line, a communication channel that encourages those entering young adulthood to acknowledge and speak about their personal mental health and well-being.Â
Launched on 16 July 2020 by the Sabah Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Phoong Jin Zhe, the care line which is available through call or WhatsApp to 012 7753020, was conceptualized based on the need to continue supporting youths as they cope with various personal issues amidst changing social environments following the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Youths face multiple challenges when they are transitioning into young adulthood. At this formative phase of life, youth are often confronted with physical, social and emotional challenges that affect their mental health and overall well-being,†said Chin Poh Choo, the Executive Director of Good Shepherd Services, the social service agency which operates YPC.Â
“Yet, specific support for youths in the area of mental health and well-being tend to be overlooked, neglected, under-served and often unspoken,†she said.
“Youth can turn to this care line for support and assistance instead of having to deal with anxieties on their own. We want to encourage youth to be forthcoming in speaking out about their mental health and well-being. Hopefully this can contribute towards destigmatizing mental health,†Chin said.   Â
The “Kawan Bah†care line accessible forms part of a larger project undertaken by YPC to promote mental health and well-being among tertiary students in five private institutions in Kota Kinabalu. The nine-month project called “Mind Matters: Supporting Youth Mental Health and Well-being during Covid -19†is also aimed at establishing a network of peer-to-peer support for students across the five private colleges to enable them to collectively have a voice and advocate for the mental health and well-being of youths in Sabah. This project will also see a collaboration of expertise between Good Shepherd Services and experts in the field of clinical psychology, counselling and research.Â
This annual 16 days of activism campaign was launched with a community run in Kg Pinipi, Sabah and at the Indian Recreation Club, Ipoh. The runs which drew encouraging participation from the local communities also provided the platform to increase awareness and support for the campaign.
For the 16 days of the campaign, various communities were engaged through a variety of activities to increase advocacy against gender-based violence, particularly in relation to rape.
The campaign which started on November 26, 2019 with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence ended on December 10, 2019 with International Human Rights Day.
Read the full article GSS, Pangrok Sulap work together to break silence against rape.
'Simban noh Komulakan' which in the Dusun language means 'Youth, Transform' was the theme of Voice Out 9 (VO9) held in Ranau on November 2, 2019. VO9 challenged youth to positively embrace change and transform their mindset and attitudes on issues on gender equality, technology and care for our Earth.Â
For VO9, Mr Adrian Soidi, a local leading media personality was appointed the Youth Ambassador and facilitated a forum called "What's on Your Mind".
Voice Out is an annual youth festival that gives the youth in Sabah a chance to voice out their opinions on social issues around them.
The Asrama Komuniti Tulid had its year-end Thanksgiving celebration with all its students and parents at Kampung Sinua on the October 26, 2019. It was a celebration of gratitude for every successful activity and achievement by both residents and their family within the year of 2019 as well as to encourage unity among the students, parents and GSS staff.
FoodBANK Virtual Fun Run 2019 is a fundraising event in aid of the foodbank in Youth-PREP Centre (YPC) in Alamesra, Kota Kinabalu. 70 virtual runners participated in the first FoodBANK Virtual Fun Run 2019. YPC's foodbank serves university and college students in the area who have limited funds and struggle to meet the escalating cost of urban living.
EngageMENt held a joint dialogue with the Tambunan District Police on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) issues in the community on September 19, 2019. Among the findings of this dialogue is the need to acquire and maintain working knowledge on civil law, enforcement and related issues. Differences in the customary practices of each district in Sabah were also discussed as well as how to preserve forensic evidence from rape victims.
As part of socio-economic development, a project on corn cultivation for chicken feed by WEBL (Wirawati Enterprise Batu Lunguyan) was officially launched on August 18, 2019. The corn milling machines were sponsored by National Women Entrepreneurs of Malaysia. This project aimed to generate funds to run children programmes for advocacy against Sexual Gender-Based Violence and children protection in the community.
A community dialogue with the government agencies on the Safety and Protection of Children in the Community was held on July 26, 2019 and August 1, 2019. Our WSG (Women Support Group) seeks to conduct joint dialogues with government agencies as well as become empowered through learning social media how-to sessions; and undergo training on delivering sessions/modules and programme management.
On July 24, 2019, our Good Shepherd Community Service Centre in Ipoh conducted their first programme on Child Sexual Abuse for parents of Standard 4 students and teachers from SJK (T) Methodist. Nine parents and ten teachers participated in the programme. At the end of the session, the parents commented that the programme was very good and that it should be conducted for other parents in their respective areas too.
On July 6, 2019, Sr. Sandra and Jairin gave a short session to the children at Good Shepherd Community Service Centre in Ipoh on planting vegetables. After the session, the children were given two seeds each of lady fingers, long beans and brinjal to be planted in poly bags. Corn was also planted and all the children were very excited. They enjoyed having fresh produce that they have cultivated with their own hands.
In 2019, TAG (Tambunan Argonomics Programme) successfully planted two plots of ginger using the traditional method and fertigation method. Ginger powder and ginger flakes are now available for sale. Drop us an email at info@goodshepherd.my or call us at +6 088 204 151 to make an order.
In 2019, a school programme for Standard 6 students was held in four schools – SK La Salle, SJK (T) Methodist, SK Guru Kalgidhar and SK Buntong. The objectives were to enhance students’ self-esteem and confidence; build and enhance the bond among family and friends and encourage group cohesiveness; assist students to determine their future goals; and support students in their transition to high school.
One Billion Rising (OBR), a worldwide movement against violence towards women aims at creating awareness on Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and our Youth-PREP Centre (YPC) supports this by engaging various communities throughout Sabah. YPC also takes the opportunity to promote the individual’s role in speaking up against injustice and to discuss various social issues that participants wish to engage in, such as, recycling and migration.
BAH Ceritalah! is a bi-monthly programme to encourage students to speak up on issues that concerns them. Issues that youths have raised include Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and urban poverty such as hunger. The acronym “BAH†stands for “Belia Ada Hak†or “Youth Have Rightsâ€.
Every morning, Komuniti Van Sekolah (KVS) will start picking up students at 5am. The van makes two trips: the first trip picks up students at Kampung Tuawon and the second trip services Kampung Lanas's children. Both points are kilometres away from the nearest high school of SMK Tulid in Sook. Prior to KVS, students often walked the length of the journey and the arduous miles coupled with the rise of underage marriages often prevent these students from completing their studies. KVS, run by a committee made up of parents, is directly helping to increase the attainment of education in these communities.
The objectives of KMS (Keeping Me Safe) are for participants to identify risks that can prevent their safety and strategies to keep themselves safe. Our ADP (Asrama Desa Pukak) team has gone to both primary and secondary schools in Kiulu district where the ADP hostel is located.
Home visits to families enable the ADP (Asrama Desa Pukak) team to better understand ADP children's family background and to allow team members to discuss children's behaviour in ADP with their parents. ADP children and families are happy to receive visits from the team, and these visits occur on weekends and during school holidays when children leave ADP to stay with their families.
ADP (Asrama Desa Pukak) children spend Sunday through to Thursday nights at the hostel and leave for home on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with their families. During school holidays and public holidays, children also leave ADP for home. Besides supervision in their schoolwork, ADP children also learn living and co-living skills such as washing their own clothes and shoes, making their beds, tidying up their own living space and the common spaces and caring for the compound of the hostel.
Sexual and gender-based violence towards women and the girl child is at the very heart of GSS’s mission. We take the position that every girl child is born with dignity and inherent rights that entitle her to a childhood and opportunities to realise her potential as a person, a woman and a contributing member of society.Â
In the 2018 Orange The World (OTW) campaign, we highlighted how child marriage is one of the many forms of sexual-gender based violence (SGBV) faced by the girl child, and promoted our slogan, “Say ‘No’ to violence against the girl child.† As part of the 16 days of activism promoted through the OTW campaign, we also launched a booklet featuring 16 reflection articles. The compelling stories speak truthfully of the transgressions, trauma, and conflicts related to the various forms of SGBV experienced by the girl child.Â
Thank you Canada Fund for Local Initiatives for supporting us in this campaign.
Download booklet in ENGLISH and BAHASA MALAYSIA.
The theme of our eighth instalment of the Voice Out youth festival was “Dare to Stand Up – Bangkitlah". The festival was a resounding success, with more than 800 visitors attending on September 29 in Pisompuruan Square, Tambunan. The highlight of the festival was a forum entitled “Just A Child, Not A Bride†which discussed the issue of child marriage with panellists such as Amy Dangin (KK12FM radio announcer), Elsie Primus (High Court deputy registrar), Philip Kitingan (District Chief) and Rex Alvin (previously with UNICEF). Other attractions included musical performances, a free market and promotional booths.
GSS Executive Director Chin Poh Choo was asked to weigh in on the issue of raising the minimum marriage age to 18 and her comments were published in The Star Online on September 29. According to Chin, 18 years should be the minimum marriage age as this would enable the individuals to at least complete their secondary education before getting married. She also dismissed the idea of child marriages as being a way out of poverty, especially for families living in rural areas. “A child is still a child regardless where they come fromâ€, said Poh Choo.Â
GSS appeared in the news to support the calls to raise the minimum marriage age to 18 as the move would protect the best interest of girls, especially those from hard-to-reach rural communities. The priority should be on empowering these girls to be self-sufficient and giving them equal access to their right to an education. The issue of child marriage cannot be addressed in isolation, as it is connected with many other socioeconomic and emotional issues. It will be more effective if a multi-sectoral approach is adopted to provide more sustainable solutions.
Read the full article Support for Marriage Age.
Komuniti Van Sekolah enables children from poor and vulnerable communities to access their right to an education and to attend schools on a regular basis.Â
We thank Astro Awani journalist Tan Su Lin and cameraman Sujenthiran for the coverage.
For the original story, please go to Astro Awani.
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international awareness-raising campaign. It takes place every year from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to December 10 (International Human Rights Day).
Since 2008, the UN Women, under the “Orange the World†umbrella, has been galvanising global attention and action to end violence against women and girls. The official colour used is orange, which symbolises a bright and optimistic future free from violence against women and girls. Â
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) and Good Shepherd Services (GSS) stood together to raise awareness and to call Malaysians of all faiths to reflection and action to end violence against women and children. The tagline for our 16 Days campaign in 2017 was “Orange The World: Say No to Violence Against Women and Childrenâ€, with the focus on human trafficking of women and children. Â
Hundreds of friends and supporters of Good Shepherd thronged the KL PAC to celebrate 60 years of Good Shepherd presence in Malaysia by attending the “Yours Musically – The Dama Favourites†concert on Thursday, October 13, 2017.
It was truly a joyful night of reminiscence and reunion – where old friendships were renewed and new ones made.
In her welcome speech, Sister Joan Lopez, the Province Leader of Good Shepherd Singapore-Malaysia, expressed her deep gratitude to all who have contributed to the development of the Mission since its establishment on 5 November 1956.
Read a transcript of Sister Joan Lopez's speech.
GSS organised a One Billion Rising (OBR) campaign in solidarity with the global movement to end rape, sexual crimes and the exploitation of women.
This call to action campaign held every February since 2012 is one of the largest global efforts to raise awareness and work towards ending abuse and violence experienced by women and girls. Using creative means that include dance, skits, poems and music to promote the cause, GSS has been actively promoting this annual campaign through its various programme services in Sabah.
The 2017 campaign reached out to more than 2,000 parents, teachers, students and members of the community around Sabah. OBR is an opportunity to connect with the wider community to heighten awareness, strengthen passion and build the commitment to prevent violence against women. It is about collectively rising up, speaking out and taking affirmative action to curb the epidemic culture of violence through the exploitation of girls and women.
Karen Tai, GSS Advocacy Officer was one of the presenters at the one day "Safeguarding: Why Must the Children Suffer?"Â conference held at St Ignatius Church in Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya. The conference was organised by Archdiocesan Single Adults & Youth Ministry (Asayo) in collaboration with the Archdiocesan Ministry of Mental Health, GSS and Parish Integral Human Development Ministry (PIHDM) of SIC. Tai stressed the need to create more awareness and educate parents by being vigilant, fostering a safe and trusting relationship with their children, having good communication with them, educating their children on how to protect themselves, and setting rules for Internet usage.
There was a buzz of excitement in the kitchen at our centre in Ipoh. The voices of women were just above a whisper as their busy hands shaped the cookies that would be going into the oven and then packed into hampers and gift bags.
Some were regulars who volunteered their time each time the festive occasion comes around, while others stepped in to help out this time.
The orders came in right after Christmas and the volunteers in Ipoh were busy baking every week to fulfil the demand so that the hampers and bags could be picked up and delivered in time for Chinese New Year celebrations.
The Symposium held from October 30-31, brought together some 50 young leaders from around the globe to devise solutions to attain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus this year was on finding solutions to achieve SDG 4 and SDG 8, with additional emphasis on target 8.7. SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable education while SDG 8 promotes sustainable economic growth so that there is decent work for all. The emphasis on 8.7 is due to the pressing current concern of trafficking and slavery of youth.
GSS Programme Officer, Jellferlyne Joseph was Malaysia’s representative and she presented her paper entitled “Advocacy and Community Empowerment Programmeâ€. It detailed the injustices faced by migrant workers’ children in the state of Sabah, steps taken to empower them through the sharing of their stories and helping them find opportunities for self-development, as well as advocating their issues to various stakeholders.
After 16 days of spirited campaigning to end violence against women and children as part of Orange The World 2016, GSS marked the end of the campaign by celebrating International Human Rights Day on December 10.Â
The Human Rights Day theme “Stand Up for Someone’s Rights Today†focused on advocating for the rights of defenceless children.Â
GSS staff and volunteers from the states of Perak, Selangor and Sabah conducted a variety of programmes that reached out to some 3,000 people, to educate both the young and old on what constituted child abuse and how it can be prevented.Â
View snapshots of the 2016 Human Rights Day Celebration.
GSS mobilised its manpower around Malaysia over the last 16 days in an effort to support the worldwide movement to end violence against women and children.
“This year, we focused our campaign on non-violence against children to address the vulnerability of children to various forms of violence as well as call for affirmative action to end such violence. We should instead protect and celebrate children,†GSS Executive Director Chin Poh Choo said.Â
During the campaign period, GSS staff in Perak, Selangor and Sabah held talks, workshops and activities in schools, universities, and churches to highlight and educate the public on what is child abuse, how to recognise the symptoms, and steps to take in order to protect our children. Flyers with additional information were also distributed.
View video A World Where Children Can Play.
It is common for most people to be thinking of taking a break or planning a holiday at the end of the year, but not for the Good Shepherd cookie-baking volunteers. Every year-end, a group of ladies in Ipoh will come together for some serious work of producing high quality cookies for sale.
The “Just So Good†cookies are baked for Christmas and Chinese New Year, and all proceeds from the sale go towards Good Shepherd projects which help empower marginalised women and children.Â
“It is tiring work as we are on our feet most of the time, but we all know that this is for something good,†said volunteer Lilian Reutens. Long-serving volunteer Rosaline Phang considers her effort as part of the Good Shepherd mission. Theresa Lau agreed and added that she derives great joy in serving. These ladies take great pride in their work and appreciate the praises heaped on them for their cookies.Â
Early this year, 16-year old Angelia Ann Saimon moved 45 kilometres away from her home at a farming village in the interior district of Sabah to a hostel just so that she could stay in school.
The hostel known as Asrama Komuniti Tulid (AKT) is the result of a collaboration between GSS and the Diocese of Keningau. Set up in January 2016, AKT is located just half a kilometre away from the secondary school which Angelia attends SK Tulid.
AKT is managed by a house mother and a small pool of volunteers. Apart from food and accommodation, the girls also have access to enrichment classes and are also taught independent life skills such as cooking and food cultivation.
We at GSS join global efforts to empower the lives of girls as we celebrate the fifth annual International Day of the Girl Child on October 11. Click here for more info on this special day.
Mary Anne Baltazar's dedication to improving the lives of migrants, especially children who have little or no access to education and healthcare, has won her top accolade in the state of Sabah.
Anne was named the "Top Outstanding Young Persons of Sabah 2016"Â for her contribution to Children, World Peace or Human Rights by JCI Kota Kinabalu. JCI Kota Kinabalu is one of the 140 chapters of Junior Chamber International, the world's largest non-profit leadership and training organisation for the young people with the aim of creating positive changes in the world.
Anne credited the Good Shepherd mission for shaping her views and thoughts. "I feel very blessed and grateful to be part of this group of people who call themselves the Good Shepherd mission partners, because they are truly, truly, one of the most sincere, passionate, fearless and compassionate people I know, always wanting to reach out to the most marginalised,"Â she said.
2016 marked the 60th anniversary of the Good Shepherd Sisters' presence in Malaysia! From its humble beginnings of a convent in Jalan Ampang, Good Shepherd mission has evolved to include residential and hostel facilities, outreach programmes and micro enterprise projects for disadvantaged women, children and youths in the states of Selangor, Perak and Sabah. In celebration of Good Shepherd's 60 years presence in Malaysia, PKGS hosted a fund raising musical concert "Yours Musically: The Dama Favourites"Â on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at KL PAC. All proceeds from this event went towards Good Shepherd programmes and activities benefitting women and children in need.
GSS social economic project at the village of Kiau Nuluh, Sabah has become a beacon of hope for those who work on empowering indigenous communities in Malaysia.
Koonduan Kiau Nuluh Enterprise (KKNE), conceived as a social and economic response to the devastating 2015 earthquake, was one of success stories highlighted at the National Economic Empowerment Conference (NEEC) in Kota Kinabalu. Koonduan means women in Dusun language.
The project, which began its pilot phase in August 2015 with 11 women from the village, saw the production and marketing of chutney and jam made from pineapple harvested from their farms at the foothills of Mount Kinabalu. This initiative was aimed at encouraging the community to work and heal together, while rebuilding their livelihood. Because of its success, the pilot project was expanded to the Community Phase in January, where a total of 49 women worked hand-in-hand to produce the popular all-natural and preservative-free pineapple chutney and jam.
Click here for more on the pineapple chutney and jam story.
City living is tough! Rural youth migrating to urban cities in pursuit of education opportunities offered by private tertiary institutions and the lure of student loans are increasingly confronted with the challenge of making ends meet. Some quickly discover that they can only afford one measly meal a day just to make ends meet.
It was due to an encounter with such students that the "BAH Makan"Â programme was conceptualised by our YouthPREP Centre Alamesra in June 2016. This two-pronged programme entailed the provision of a simple but nutritious dinner to students on the first and third Monday of the month at our YouthPREP Centre. A food bank was also set up at the centre to enable students to bring food supplies back home with them.Â
The global theme this year for International Women's Day (IWD) was "Make It Happen", in encouraging effective action for advancing and recognising women.
In line with IWD's call for greater equality in financial independence of women and growth of women owned businesses, our rural community development outreach ministry in the Mukim of Tulid in Keningau, Sabah, recognised the achievements of a resourceful and talented group of women who dared to put their dream into action by setting up their own small business enterprise.
With their hard work, courage and a small loan from the state government, these women came together to set up a shop in their district consisting of a mini market, a home bakery and tailoring services. As the women related their story on how this venture came into being, they were beaming with a sense of empowerment and achievement of how they dared to take the risk to "Make It Happen".
Today, the various Good Shepherd grass-roots services work with women and girls in 72 countries who are constrained by situations that are the same, or often worse, than those that existed in 1995. Under the current model of economic globalisation, women and girls who are living in extreme poverty and denied access to basic services are highly susceptible to forces of irregular migration, prostitution, and trafficking for sexual and /or labour exploitation." The Good Shepherd Sisters submitted a Statement to the 59th Commission on the Status on Women (with the main focus on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action).
Download these files:
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (PDF)
Good Shepherd Sisters' Statement (PDF)
Rose Virginie Good Shepherd Centre in Ipoh extended its sales of homemade festive goodies to Klang Valley. Each festive season, volunteers will come together to bake cookies that will be sold to raise funds to help sustain the centre in Ipoh.